CAMPOS Faculty Affiliates
The CAMPOS Faculty Affiliates Program provides an opportunity for UC Davis faculty to engage with CAMPOS Faculty Scholars in efforts to build diversity within the academic STEM disciplines and to enhance our campus’s academic engagement with underserved communities.
Faculty Affiliates receive:
- Membership in a collaborative community of faculty interested in developing new research, teaching and mentoring methods to support diversity at UC Davis
- Opportunities to network
- Opportunities to mentor and receive mentorship from the community
- Priority consideration for enrollment in ADVANCE/CAMPOS professional development opportunities, as they arise
- Grant-writing workshops
To learn more about how to become a CAMPOS Faculty Affiliate, please visit this page.
Roster of CAMPOS Faculty Affiliates
Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

Tim Beatty
Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics

Diane M. Beckles
Professor, Plant Sciences

Dario Cantù
Professor, Louis P. Martini Endowed Chair in Viticulture and Enology

Kyaw Tha Paw U
Professor, Land, Air and Water Resources

Samuel Sandoval Solis
Associate Professor, Cooperative Extension Specialist in Water Management

Leigh Ann Simmons
Professor, Human Ecology

Anne E. Todgham
Associate Professor and Vice Chair, Animal Science
College of Biological Sciences

F. Javier Arsuaga
Professor, Molecular and Cellular Biology; Mathematics

Siobhan M. Brady
Professor, Plant Biology

Stacey Combes
Professor, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

Marina Crowder
Professor of Teaching, Molecular and Cellular Biology

Jonathan Eisen
Professor, Evolution and Ecology

J. David D. Furlow
Professor, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior

Aldrin V. Gomes
Professor, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior and Physiology and Membrane Biology

Richard Grosberg
Professor, Evolution and Ecology
Mona Monfared
Associate Professor of Teaching, Molecular and Cellular Biology
Gail L. Patricelli
Professor, Evolution and Ecology

Peter C. Wainwright
Distinguished Professor, Evolution and Ecology

Karen Zito
Professor, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
College of Engineering

Nina Amenta
Professor, Computer Science

Chen-Nee Chuah
Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Karen McDonald
Professor, Chemical Engineering

Miguel A. Jaller Martelo
Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Letters and Science

F. Javier Arsuaga
Professor, Mathematics; Molecular and Cellular Biology

Jesús A. De Loera
Professor, Mathematics

Yvette Flores
Professor, Chicana and Chicano Studies

Cristina González
Professor Emerita, Spanish

Susan Kauzlarich
Distinguished Professor, Chemistry

Jeffrey Sherman
Professor, Psychology

Dawn Y. Sumner
Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences
School of Medicine

Elva Diaz
Professor, Pharmacology

Aldrin V. Gomes
Professor, Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior and Physiology and Membrane Biology

Jeffrey S. Hoch
Professor and Chief, Division of Health Policy and Management, Public Health Sciences
Associate Director, Center for Healthcare Policy and Research

Anthony F. Jerant
Professor and Chair, Family and Community Medicine

Miquell Olivia Miller
Director, UC Davis National Accreditation Program for Rectal Cancer
Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Colorectal Surgery

Kent E. Pinkerton
Professor, Pediatrics and Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology

John Daniel Ragland
Professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

Luis Fernando Santana
Professor and Chair
Arline Miller Rolkin Endowed Chair, Physiology and Membrane Biology

Colleen Sweeney
Professor and Vice Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine; Instructor of Record, Molecular Medicine

Brian Trainor
Professor and Vice Chair, Psychology
Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing

Mary Lou de Leon Siantz
Professor Emeritus
School of Veterinary Medicine

Kent E. Pinkerton
Professor, Pediatrics and Anatomy, Physiology and Cell Biology

Esteban Soto
Professor of Aquatic Animal Health, Medicine & Epidemiology
Biotechnology Program

Denneal Jamison-McClung
Director, Biotechnology Program