Religious, faith-based and spiritual identity

Resources for understanding

Religious, faith-based, and spiritual identity

At UC Davis, we are dedicated to fostering an environment that celebrates diversity in all its forms, and actively promotes inclusivity. This commitment includes the rich tapestry of identities, cultures, and traditions, including those that are based in religion, faith, and spirituality.

Our goal is to cultivate a culture of understanding, respect, and accommodation for various religious, faith-based, and spiritual observances throughout the year. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to thoughtfully consider diverse traditions and practices when planning events, activities, meetings, retreats, and courses, to promote inclusivity and respect for all. 

Learn more about religious observances and multicultural holidays

As a public institution, UC Davis remains neutral on political and religious matters, while recognizing the significant role that religion, faith, and spirituality play in the lives of our community members. 

Understanding religious, faith-based, and spiritual identity in context

Academic Courses

The UC Davis Department of Religious Studies offers a major and minor, with courses in religious studies, history, philosophy, and more. Students can study major religions like Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam or take cross-cultural courses on various themes. The department also hosts informal lectures on recent research and various other events

We understand religious, faith-based, and spiritual identity is a complex and multifaceted aspect of individual and collective experiences. This identity is shaped by various factors, including beliefs, cultural heritage, racial and ethnic identities, shared ancestry or national origin, geographic locations and historical events. 

Understanding these identities requires that we recognize their interconnections with cultural practices, political dynamics, and historical contexts. This allows us to appreciate how these identities evolve, shaped by both individual experience as well as broader socio-political influences. 

Addressing religion-based discrimination and hate

UC Davis complies with relevant university policies related to religious expression and accommodation, which include:

Addressing discrimination and hate

Below are resource pages that address specific types of discrimination and hate, particularly for groups whose identities intersect with religious traditions, and history:

Addressing Antisemitism

Addressing Islamophobia

  • The University of California Policy on Anti-Discrimination addresses the University’s responsibilities and procedures related to discrimination, harassment, and retaliation (prohibited conduct) to ensure equitable and inclusive environments for education and employment.

Our commitment to inclusivity and the celebration of difference is reflected in the UC Davis Principles of Community, which emphasizes safety and respect for all beliefs, whether religious, non-religious, or spiritual. We honor the contributions of these identities to our community and recognize the historical and present-day trauma many individuals have faced. We strive to support healing and understanding through education and dialogue.

Join Us in Building an Inclusive Community

We invite you to participate in programs and initiatives aimed at deepening understanding of diverse cultures and religions. Together, we can create a more inclusive, respectful, and vibrant community where every individual feels valued and appreciated for who they are.