Latinx college-aged students smiling, gathered together

Latinx Identity Educational Pipeline Stories: Barriers and Successes from State Policy

A UC Davis Forums on the Public University and the Social Good Event

Quick Summary

  • This presentation highlights research related to Latinos’ college success, emphasizing the promise of Latino-attentive approaches for boosting college completion.

While Latinos have seen an increase in college enrollment over the last decade, completion rates are stagnant or declining. As a result, there is a widening gap between this group and non-Hispanic whites in the attainment of college degrees. This presentation will highlight research related to Latinos’ college success, emphasizing the promise of Latino-attentive approaches for boosting college completion. It will elaborate on how parental and teacher contributions and behaviors, family-level considerations of costs and benefits, and the value of a college degree at a community level present opportunities to increase Latinos’ attainment of postsecondary degrees. The presentation will also provide an original multivariate assessment that indicates how the presence of Hispanic-Serving Institutions and in-state resident tuition benefits for immigrant students raise the odds of college enrollment and completion rates for Latinos. The findings suggest that incorporating Latino-attentive policies are beneficial to college completion among Latinos.

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