UC Davis K-16 Programs & Opportunities
Our regional partners asked for a one-stop hub to explore UC Davis programs that support K-14 schools, educators, students, and families. As a large campus with extensive outreach efforts, we know it can be challenging to find the right opportunities. This resource connects teachers seeking professional development, students and families exploring college and career readiness programs, and initiatives aligned with high-need career pathways in fields like healthcare, education, and engineering. It also highlights programs designed to support students once they are admitted or enrolled at UC Davis.
We are continuously improving this inventory—explore the current list of programs, below and check back for updates!
Suggest a program to include on this list
- Professional Development for Teachers
Anti-Racism and Cultural Humility (ARC) Training
Area 3 Writing Project / University Writing Program
California Institute for School Improvement (CISI)
DEI-Cruz Reynoso Exhibit Project (CHSSP)
Environmental Literacy in HSS (CHSSP)
Framework Implementation (CHSSP)
History Blueprint Initiative (CHSSP)
Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) program (CHSSP)
- College and Career Readiness
American Chemical Society (ACS) Project SEED (Department of Chemistry)
California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) Program
CalTeach Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST)
Clinical Translation Science Center
Community College Transfer Programs — ASSIST
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs) Grant
Linda Francis Alexander Bridge Program (LFA)
McNair Scholars Program (U.S. Department of Education)
Mentorships for Undergraduate Research in Agriculture, Letters, and Science (MULRALS)
Mesa Schools Program at UC Davis
Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services (OEOES)
Research Experience in Surgery (RESURG)
Scholarship and Civic Engagement (CHSSP)
Scout from the University of California
Special Transitional Enrichment Program (STEP)
Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP)
UC Davis COSMOS (High school student program)
UC Davis Biology Undergraduate Scholars Program (BUSP)
UC Davis Campus Recreation Youth Programs
UC Davis Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
UC Davis Educational Talent Search (ETS)
UC Davis History Project (CHSSP)
UC Davis Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA)
UC Davis Pre-Vet Outreach and Recruitment
UC Davis Sacramento Area Science Project
UC Davis Sacramento Area Youth Speaks (SAYS)
UC Davis School of Medicine K-12 Outreach (Summer SCRUBS)
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Extension
UC Davis Student Community Center (LGBTQIA+ Resource Center, Cross Cultural Center, AB 540 & Undocumented Student Center, Student Recruitment and Retention Center)
UC Davis Transfer and Reentry Center
UC Davis Upward Bound (within REEd)
UC Davis Young Scholars Program (High School student program)
- Post-secondary Enrollment and Retention
AvenueE Transfer Bridge in Engineering
California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) Program
Clinical Translation Science Center
Community College Transfer Programs — ASSIST
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
LEADR Summer Bridge in Engineering
Linda Francis Alexander Bridge Program (LFA)
Transfer Opportunity Program (TOP)
UC Davis Early Academic Outreach Program (EAOP)
UC Davis Educational Talent Search (ETS)
UC Davis Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA)
UC Davis Pre-Vet Outreach and Recruitment
UC Davis School of Medicine K-12 Outreach (Summer SCRUBS)
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Extension
UC Davis Student Community Center (LGBTQIA Resource Center, Cross Cultural Center, Undocumented Student Resource Center, Student Recruitment and Retention Center)
UC Davis Upward Bound (within REEd)
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) Girls in a Robotics Leadership (GIRL) Project
- Occupational Pathways
CalTeach Mathematics and Science Teaching (MAST)
Center for Regional Change: Youth Career Pathways Toolkit
Employer Information Sessions (ICC)
Internship and Career Center (ICC)
Internship and Career Fair (ICC)
Research Experience in Surgery (RESURG)
UC Davis Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement (MESA)
UC Davis Pre-Vet Outreach and Recruitment
UC Davis School of Medicine K-12 Outreach (Summer SCRUBS)
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Extension
Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility) Girls in a Robotics Leadership (GIRL) Project