Event Date
Calendar of Events
Tuesday, February 22
Principles of Community Opening Ceremony
Gary S. May, Chancellor
Davis Lubarsky, UC Davis Health Chief Executive Officer & Vice Chancellor HHS
Renetta Tull, Vice Chancellor Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Dr. Hendry Ton, Associate Vice Chancellor for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
CAMPSSAH Juan Diego Díaz Book Talk and Musical Performances

Student Community Center, Multipurpose Room and Livestream
Please join The Center for Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives in Social Science, Arts, and Humanities (CAMPSSAH), for some musical performances and a talk with Juan Diego Diaz about his new book, Africanness in Action: Essentialism and Musical Imaginations of Africa in Brazil
Carnival Samba performance led by Brian Rice, Capoeira performance led by Juan Diego Díaz
Book talk and discussion, moderated by Kimberly Nettles-Barcelón
RSVP for in-person attendance (limited)
Wednesday, February 23
Faculty & Teaching Assistants Workshop: Five Approaches to Anti-Racist Teaching
Teaching and Learning Complex - Room 1211
Participants will engage with the five practical components of Kishimoto’s (2018) anti-racist teaching practices: (1) addressing assumptions to cultivate students’ critical analytical skills; (2) generating awareness of students’ social positions; (3) empowering students to take responsibility for their learning through the decentering of the classroom; (4) empowering students to apply theory to practice; and (5) fostering a sense of community in the classroom through collaborative learning. Interdisciplinary examples of these practices will be shared as participants develop actionable plans for their classrooms. Participants will also discuss how anti-racist pedagogies extend to other spheres of influence.
Facilitators: Dr. Kem Saichaie, Director of Learning and Teaching and Dr. Cecilia Gómez, Education Specialist
“How Students Can Become More Involved Campus Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts,” Student Assistants to the Chancellor Cayley Chan & Sana Sayyid
In this presentation, the Student Advisors to the Chancellor will facilitate a discussion between student attendees and Vice Chancellor of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Renetta Garrison Tull, Ph.D. about student perspectives on what diversity, equity and inclusion means to them, personal experiences related to those topics, and how they believe the administration can improve and foster DEI among the UC Davis community. Student participants will have the opportunity to share their own stories, opinions, and ideas as well as learn about the DEI initiatives that are currently in place on campus. The Student Advisors to the Chancellor will then share their work on DEI projects and encourage continued student participation in DEI efforts.
Welcome to Virtual Healing Circles! At UC Davis Health we are working to realize Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision of the Beloved Community. We invite you to join us in a session of compassionate listening and intentional sharing to foster understanding, love, and unity. Join us Wednesday, February 23, 2022 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Please register here: bit.ly/healingcircle2-23
Interfaith Campus Council Dialogue
CA House, 433 Russell Blvd, Davis, CA (In-person or via Zoom)
Join the Interfaith Campus Council (ICC) for a dialogue about their work with the UC Davis student community. The panelists will share how they build connections across diverse faith communities to cultivate interfaith leaders for the campus and beyond. A light meal will be served. Also, for your safety and the safety of others masks and proof of vaccination (including boosters) are required.
Campus Community Book Project, Community Book Dialogue and Discussion: “How To Be An Antiracist,” by Ibram X Kendi
Guild Theater, 2828 35th Street, Sacramento, CA
Milmon F. Harrison, Associate Professor African/African American Studies, UC Davis,
Dominique Donette, NAACP Sacramento & Hawaii, Lobbyist and Public Affairs Specialist
Kula Koenig, Senior Director, United Way California Capital Region
Rev. Kevin Kitrell Ross, Senior Minister and Chief Executive Officer of Unity of Sacramento Church
Sponsored by:
UC Davis, Sac Cultural Hub and Underground Books,
Thursday, February 24
Accessibility and Disability Resources for Faculty and Staff
12:00 - 1:00pm
Do you send out marketing emails or create electronic brochures? Do you add content to web pages? Do you work in Canva or post to social media? Are you reaching the widest audience by creating accessible content? Find out what resources are available to the campus community to help address the issues at hand and become more inclusive for all.
UC Davis Staff Assembly’s Aggie Explorations
12:00 - 1:00pm
UC Davis Staff Assembly’s new series Aggie Explorations kicks off featuring Dr. Lina Mendez, Director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives! Attendees will learn about the work of the first-ever HSI Director and her role in supporting HSI initiatives on campus as well as students. Lina Mendez, Director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives.
Lina Mendez has been with UC Davis for over 18 years, and was appointed in Fall 2021 as the inaugural director of Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives at UC Davis.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Virtual Mixer for the UC Davis Health Community
Join us for Principles of Community 2022! This year we have several opportunities throughout the month of February for us to join in community together.
Friday, February 25
Join us on Friday, February 25th, from 12 - 1 p.m. for our webinar, Growing as a Community: Understanding the refugee experience: culturally responsive & compassionate care for Afghan families. We will be featuring panelists from Opening Doors, a Sacramento-based organization that offers a variety of different programs and services to help support newcomers on their path to stability, self-sufficiency, and belonging. Throughout the session the speakers will provide insight into the cultural understanding of neurodevelopmental conditions and how to support the refugee community in accessing health services.
In this webinar, we will explore the following:
- Cultural experiences of Afghan immigrants that may impact their healthcare knowledge and access
- The experience and barriers to healthcare access for families who care for a child with a developmental disability
- Culturally responsive communication practices that can be effective in working with Afghan individuals and families
- Ways to support our community members through agency linkages and referrals
Register here: bit.ly/GrowingasaCommunity2-25
Monday, February 28
Trans Allyship Workshop
2:00 - 3:30pm
The LGBTQIA Resource Center is proud to provide virtual opportunities for staff, faculty, and students to expand their understanding of queer and trans allyship. Workshop content will cover trans student experiences, the importance of pronouns, and trans allyship tips.
Jasper Lounds (they/them) is the Resource Center Coordinator for the LGBTQIA RC here at UC Davis. They focus their work on trans empowerment and joy.
Wednesday, March 2
What is "Street Medicine" and Why Does It Exist?
The Staff Diversity Administrative Advisory Committee (SDAAC) presents, Brett Feldman, Physician Assistant, who will share insights and experiences about “street medicine”, homelessness and working this marginalized community. The talk will focus on exploring and answering the following questions: What is “Street Medicine” and how does it serve the unsheltered homeless community? What barriers do people experiencing homelessness face in accessing healthcare? What is the social teaching of street medicine and why does it work when treating people experiencing homelessness? What can hospitals do to better treat people experiencing homelessness?