⭐️ Hosted by UC Davis 5A, Cross Cultural Center, African Continuum, AAFSA, Mondavi Center, Manetti Shrem Museum of Art, Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and Future Foundation of Sacramento
⭐️ Presented by the Center for Health Action and Social Medicine (CHASM) ⭐️ Co-sponsored by UC Davis Departments of Family and Community Medicine and African American and African Studies
⭐️ Presented by the Center for Health Action and Social Medicine (CHASM) ⭐️ Co-sponsored by UC Davis Departments of Family and Community Medicine and African American and African Studies
⭐️ Hosted by the DEI (Aggie Black Excellence) The Aggie Black Excellence Project will host the Black Faculty Community Breakfast on Tuesday, September 17th, from 8:30-10:00 AM at the Alumni Center, Alpha Gamma Rho (AGR) Hall.
The African Continuum, AAFSA (African American Faculty and Staff Association) and CADSS (Center for African Diaspora Student Success) would like to invite you to attend the following lunch or two:
The African Continuum, AAFSA (African American Faculty and Staff Association) and CADSS (Center for African Diaspora Student Success) would like to invite you to attend the following lunch or two: