Call for Applications: FOCUS Manuscript Writing Workshop
Join us December 3-4 for a professionally-led writing workshop
Faculty Of California United in Scholarship (FOCUS) is a University of California, Office of President Advancing Faculty Diversity Climate and Retention grant award to U.C. Davis, in partnership with U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Irvine, U.C. Riverside, and U.C. San Diego. Learn more at diversity.ucdavis.edu/focus.
The first manuscript workshop in the FOCUS grant workshop series will take place December 3–4, on the campus of UC Berkeley. For this special two-day event, selected applicants will join Elena K. Abbott, PhD, for writing workshops, a one-on-one coaching session, and dedicated writing time in community.
Elena is a writing coach/consultant and developmental editor who specializes in helping authors bring their ideas to life in a way that will resonate with readers and create impact. Her approach blends mindful productivity practices with structural and narrative writing techniques to help authors get the most out of their writing practice, make measurable progress on their projects, and create the best books they can.
This workshop setting is designed to help researchers develop a single chapter of a book project-in-progress. To best take advantage of the guidance Dr. Abbott will provide, we ask that applicants have a chapter drafted and ready to share by mid-November.
In addition to a brief description of your research interests and a current CV, we ask you submit a 1-2 page letter of interest (500-1,000 words) specifying what you are working on, its current stage in the writing process (e.g., first draft, revise and resubmit, etc.), and why this workshop would be helpful.
A note on eligibility: the workshops are for tenure-track or equivalent (e.g., Academic Federation, LPSOE) University of California faculty only. If you have any questions about eligibility, please write to Thomas O'Donnell.
APPLICATIONS DUE: October 21 at 5:00pm. Notifications of acceptance will go out at the end of October.