View of the Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem with the Dome of the Rock in the background.

Bridging Divides Through Dialogue

In an article in Letters & Science Magazine, Sven-Erik Rose of the Jewish Studies Program and and Mairaj Syed discuss their collaborative work to critically understand and counter antisemitism and islamophobia.

Doreen Joseph, Vice Chancellor Renetta Garrison Tull and Chancellor May stand with a group of about 30 people at Aggie Resilience event

Q&A with Graduate Student Doreen Joseph

Doreen Joseph, Ph.D. candidate in computer science at UC Davis, is steadfast advocate for building community at UC Davis. We had the chance to sit down with Joseph to learn more about the community she helps create here at UC Davis.

Resources for Ramadan

In support of our patients, faculty, employees, students, and community members we would like to share the following resources for awareness, care, and guidance around accommodations to consider when hosting gatherings and/or meetings where food is provided during upcoming observances.

Three female students talk to bald man and another faculty member with glasses at Latino resource fair on main UC Davis quad.

UC Davis First University To Earn Silver SEA Change Award for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The University of California, Davis, is continuing to build on its track record of creating an inclusive environment for faculty, and was today (Feb. 7) recognized with the highest award available for that work from the American Association for the Advancement of Science.