a la comunidad a unirse a nuestro panel de profesionales de atención médica mientras abordan las desigualdades en la comunidad latina y comentan y descartan los mitos alrededor del coronavirus (join us Thursday, August 13th, 2020 from 7 to 8 PM for the Spanish iteration of our webcast on Preventing COVID-19 in Our Latinx Communities)
Please join our Center Director, Dr. Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola for a presentation on Health Disparities and the Latinx Experience During COVID-19, which will be hosted by the Mendocino Latinx Alliance.
As of July 8, 2020, a total of 6,519 people in California had died due to COVID-19‒associated conditions. These deaths did not occur randomly in the state’s population. Rather, they occurred more in some racial/ethnic (R/E) populations than in others.
Thank you for caring for UC Davis students, patients and your colleagues during these challenging times.
We’re all serving UC Davis, hopefully from remote workstations whenever possible, but to those of you called to perform critical services in person – we honor your commitment to your profession!