Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspective on Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities (CAMPSSAH)
The mission of CAMPSSAH is to support the discovery of knowledge by building an inclusive environment that values diverse and innovative perspectives, creates opportunities for networking and mentorship, and focuses on faculty career success and retention.
Modeled on the successful Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science (CAMPOS), the Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Social Sciences, Arts, and Humanities(CAMPSSAH) programs and actions are driven by a desire to foster a community of faculty that conducts research that expands our knowledge and discovers solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. To achieve those ends we support career advancement that includes mentorship and networking; a work environment that integrates policies and practices that reflect an inclusive campus climate; and research to understand barriers and catalysts to gender and multicultural perspectives in society.
When Provost Ralph Hexter institutionalized CAMPSSAH in 2019, it built on the Impact Recruitment Initiative (IRI), whose origin was in calls for greater numbers of faculty whose teaching, research, and service focuses on the experiences, contributions and aspirations of African-American and African Diaspora students and communities. CAMPSSAH represents the successful broadening of that focus to encompass the recruitment, integration, and retention of those faculty whose research, teaching, scholarly and creative production bring multicultural perspectives to the social sciences, arts, and humanities with an emphasis on contributions that elevate the voices and visibility of underrepresented students and communities at UC Davis.
CAMPSSAH also provides a space for these faculty to strengthen and enhance their engagement with underserved communities through their research and service, within and beyond the campus of UC Davis.
CAMPSSAH works closely with Academic Affairs to strengthen the recruitment, hiring and retention practices and to support historically-marginalized faculty and faculty whose work brings multicultural perspectives in social sciences, arts, and humanities.