Community Networks

Service by and for the Campus Community

Our division supports more than 2500 advisory committee, employee resources groups, and leadership group members—groups that meet more than 100 times in the course of a year—in their work to advocate for our Principles of Community across campus and in our surrounding region.


Much of the vital work necessary to create this environment is accomplished through staff organizations that have been founded by staff and sponsored by the University for the purpose of providing opportunities to build and strengthen both personal and professional connections that enrich campus community. The work that our staff does through these organizations is, in fact, work on behalf of the university and should be valued and respected as much as any other work. This is not “volunteer” work that an employee does in their free time, and we need to be sure that staff have time during their regular workday to perform this important work and serve the campus community in this way.

—Gary S. May, Chancellor

Read the full letter to supervisors and manager.

Advisory Committee and Employee Resource Groups

We thank those who serve in these roles.

→ Interested in serving on an Administrative Advisory Committee?

Learn More


Leadership Groups

Two groups that advise the Vice Chancellor to provide campus leaders and the campus community with advice concerning ways to strengthen and maintain the bonds of community at UC Davis and to fulfill the goals of our strategic vision.

Advocacy Groups

we engages with several other groups that advise on issues of concern to the UC Davis campus and community.

Community and Campus Recognition


Chancellor's Achievement Awards for Diversity and Community



The awardees remind me of how much talent, tenacity, and commitment we find
across UC Davis.” —Chancellor Gary S. May, April 28, 2021


Learn More and View Past Recipients


Campus Community Awards


Learn More and Submit Nominations