Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) Task Force Report

The Task Force for the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Initiative was initially formed under the name "Lived Name and Gender Marker (LNGM)." The LNGM Task Force Report was released in late 2019 and provides key recommendations for the campus to address systemic inequities in data and IT systems and create a more inclusive environment for trans and nonbinary campus community members.

Read the Task Force Report

High Level Recommendations:

  1. Issue a university wide apology for its role in excluding and discriminating against trans and gender non-conforming campus community members. Given the university’s long history of marginalization, exclusion, and discrimination against trans and gender non-conforming campus community members, the task force strongly recommends that the first step in restorative justice is a recognition of and apology for the harmful practices perpetuated across the institution.
  2. Establish a policy that charges the campus to seamlessly and consistently collect and implement the use of a primary (Lived) “Name” across all university systems and departments. Legal and other names should only be collected and used when required for specific purposes.
  3. Collect, maintain, and protect sexual orientation and gender identity data for all campus constituents in appropriate data systems.
  4. Develop training that brings awareness of gender identity topics and the new policies and practices, and require this training for senior level administrators, supervisors and managers, student organization boards and leadership, and select campus departments that have access to sensitive student information regarding their gender identity. Offer and encourage the entire campus community to participate in training.
  5. Implement a strategic marketing and communication plan that builds awareness for faculty, staff and students regarding this new policy, provides access to training opportunities, and nurtures a culture that values inclusive language and behavior.
  6. Create and charge a steering committee to guide and oversee the implementation of these recommendations.


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