Presentations and Publications

A National Leader in DEI Practice

Demonstrating our commitment to sharing and transparency.


The UC Davis Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) stands out as a national leader in advancing DEI practices within higher education. We achieve this by publishing scholarly papers, institutional reports, and presenting at various national and international conferences. These activities help to disseminate our research and insights, influencing DEI practices far beyond our campus.

We utilize the eScholarship open access publishing platform to ensure that our work reaches a broad audience, making it freely accessible to scholars, practitioners, and the public alike. Many of our publications, which include research findings and practical guides, are available on eScholarship, highlighting our commitment to transparency and the democratization of knowledge.

Find our publications on the eScholarship open access publishing platform.

Importance of Dissemination To Our Work

Disseminating DEI research, strategies and practices is crucial to fostering a more inclusive academic environment. Scholarly publications and presentations at conferences allow for the exchange of innovative ideas and evidence-based practices that can be adapted and implemented at other institutions. This advances the discipline and supports the broader societal goal of achieving equity in education.

UC Davis DEI at Conferences

Four panelists seated behind a table with five posters at a conference.

UC Davis DEI leaders have actively presented at numerous conferences that focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. For example, DEI has sponsored staff, faculty and students to attend National Conference on Race and Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE) and the National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE), presenting on topics ranging from racial equity to intersectionality in higher education. These conferences are some of the most significant gatherings for race and ethnicity in education, offers a platform to share our cutting-edge research and connect with DEI professionals from across the nation.

In addition to these conferences, UC Davis also actively engages with organizations such as the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), Asian Pacific Americans in Higher Education (APAHE) and other, similar partners. Our participation in their conferences promotes equity and access in STEMM and higher education, focusing on the success of underrepresented groups. These engagements help UC Davis foster a comprehensive approach to DEI that includes race, ethnicity, sustainability, and beyond.

Diversity Scholarship by UC Davis Faculty

UC Davis faculty have contributed extensively to diversity scholarship, publishing studies on topics ranging from underrepresentation in STEM fields to the effects of diversity on innovation and educational outcomes. The division of DEI is currently working on a project to share a bibliography of references that represent the important work being done by our scholars.

By sharing our knowledge and engaging with a broader academic community, UC Davis continues to shape national and international conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion.