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ADVANCE Scholar Award Program

UC Davis ADVANCE Scholar Award Program and Lecture Series

Nominations can be made by UC Davis faculty, staff, postdocs and students. Individuals wishing to nominate a STEMM faculty member will need to:

  1. Provide a nomination letter indicating the contributions of the nominee to outstanding scholarship and outreach to underserved communities and/or mentorship of under-represented students;
  2. Provide an expanded curriculum vitae of the nominee;
  3. E-mail the requested materials in a single PDF to Thomas O'Donnell (
This year's ADVANCE Scholar Symposium will be held on Tuesday, April 8 in the Student Community Center. Learn more here.

About the Program

The ADVANCE Scholar Award Program is intended to encourage research, leadership, and outreach to underserved communities and/or mentorship of under-represented students, while also highlighting and celebrating the contributions that STEM faculty at UC Davis have made to their fields through outstanding scholarship and mentorship.

The program is available for mid-career and senior Academic Senate or Academic Federation faculty who advance diverse perspectives and gender equity in STEM through their teaching, research and service. Two ADVANCE Scholar Awardees are selected each year. The recipients receive a small cash award and deliver a distinguished campus lecture at the ADVANCE Award Symposium. 

ADVANCE Award Symposium

Each of the ADVANCE Award Scholars deliver a distinguished campus lecture at the ADVANCE Scholar Award Symposium to be held during the following academic year. The Symposium will be widely advertised with the intent of bringing together a multi-disciplinary audience of faculty, post-doctoral scholars, students, and community members. 



UC Davis ADVANCE originated with an Institutional Transformation grant awarded by the National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE Program in 2012. The NSF ADVANCE program aimed to increase the participation and advancement of women in academic science and engineering careers. At the completion of the NSF Grant, the ADVANCE Program was institutionalized, and its different components are currently overseen by the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Academic Diversity). The ADVANCE Scholar Award is overseen by CAMPOS within DEI.

Institutional transformation that diversifies STEM faculty at UC Davis is having a significant, nationwide impact on these disciplines and the researchers who practice them. The UC Davis ADVANCE program is rooted in the premise that a multiplicity of perspectives derived from both gender and cultural diversity can increase STEM research innovation by seizing the advantages that a heterogeneous group of talented individuals can bring to problem-definition and problem-solving.

  • UC Davis ADVANCE capitalizes on the growing pool of culturally diverse STEM professors and doctoral degree recipients, whose experiences and perspectives enhance our ability to solve complex problems that cross disciplinary boundaries. To this end, the UC Davis ADVANCE program has a four-pronged approach to increase the participation and advancement of women and members of groups currently underrepresented in academic science and engineering careers. The key objectives of the program were to: Build a vibrant, welcoming and diverse STEM research community through establishment of the “Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science” (CAMPOS)
  • Establishes an institution-wide, inclusive STEM climate that values diversity
  • Promotes equitable career advancement among STEM faculty
  • Understands barriers and catalysts for women and individuals from groups currently underrepresented in STEM, with an initial emphasis on Latinas.