Accessing Data at UC Davis and Beyond
How to view institutional data through an equity lens
At a glance, UC Davis is a diverse, vibrant and solution-oriented campus. Digging deeper will tell you how multicultural perspectives continue to advance our university and address key issues that are important to the people of California. An important component of the 2017 Diversity & Inclusion Strategic Vision planning process was to describe UC Davis through a lens of diversity data. We took an inventory of the data available on campus and beyond and included in this Data Appendix, and we continue to utilize campus data to understand our progress on our DEI goals.
- Experience Surveys
About the Video: Surveys administrated by UC / UC Davis offer a unique way to garner information and creates insights that further improve our campus. They conform to high standards of the treatment of data and offer a variety of survey reports. This panel will address what type of data is available; the advantages and limitations of using existing survey data; how units can access disaggregated data for their school, college, department, or unit; and how they might make meaning of data in the context of privacy concerns or “small cell size.” We will cover the following experience surveys: The UC Undergraduate Experience Survey The UC Graduate Experience Survey The Staff Experience Survey COACHE Survey. Panelists: Erika Jackson, Director, Institutional Analysis John King, Executive Director of Analysis and Policy, Graduate Studies Randa Wilbur, Interim Manager, Workforce Optimization, Human Resources Cathy Wu, Manager, Institutional Academic Data, Academic Affairs Moderated by Laura Cerruti, Chief Impact Officer, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion The UC Undergraduate Experience Survey
Information on experience surveys:
UCUES on the UCOP Information Center:
UCUES 2022 Data Tables:
UCUES Longitudinal Data:
The UC Graduate Experience Survey
Graduate Student Experience Survey on the UCOP Information Center:
UC Davis Grad Studies UCGSES:
UC Survey Illuminates the Graduate Student Experience
The Staff Experience Survey
About the Staff Experience Survey
CommUNITY Feedback Survey (public link):
Faculty Satisfaction Survey Reports (COACHE) Survey
COACHE Survey:
Other Relevant Initiatives and Surveys
Aggie Black Excellence Listening Sessions:
Health Intranet site: (UC Davis Health VPN required to view)
HR Learning and Development, Career Development:
- UC Davis Institutional Research Teams
Academic Affairs sponsors a number of campus-wide and system-wide software applications and tools that provide data related to recruitment, advancement, and the experience of academic appointees.
Budget and Institutional Analysis - Campus profiles, enrollment summaries and instructional data
The Center for Educational Effectiveness has published several studies connecting data and learning
Enrollment Management Analytics provides critical data analysis, complex reporting functions, and recommendations to campus leadership, allowing them to make informed data-driven decisions for the essential functions of enrollment management.
Human Resources develops data dashboards, metrics and key performance indicators to support decision-making and process improvements.
- Institutions of Higher Education Benchmark Data
American College Health Association National College Health Assessment (ACHA-NCHA)
Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities
Center for Minority Serving Institutions at Rutgers
Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Indicators of Higher Education Equity in the United States — 2019 Historical Trend Report
National Academies of Sciences and Engineering Board on Science Education
National Center for Education Statistics Integrated Postsecondary Data System (IPEDs)
National Center for Education - UC Davis
National Science Foundation Early Career Doctorates Survey
- Campus Climate
Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA) Staff Engagement Survey
University of California Undergraduate Engagement Survey (UCUES)
Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE) Survey of Faculty Satisfaction
- Diversity Profiles
We are in the process of reimagining Diversity Profiles to encompass the wider array of tools and data now available on campus.
Diversity Profiles provides a set of online, access-protected dashboards for the Deans and Vice Chancellors of the major academic and administrative units to access diversity data regarding their units. Diversity Profiles is a response to the need for deans and vice chancellors to use evidence to establish measurable goals for their units that align with institutional goals and that are focused on their unit’s priorities. The information is intended enable senior leaders to identify new or modified strategies to improve diversity and inclusion efforts, based on data. Deans, Vice Chancellors, and their proxies/delegates are authorized to have access to data for their units.
Diversity Profiles is intended as a starting point for exploring data related to campus diversity and inclusion topics. The data is also used by our office to generate an annual campus accountability report on Diversity and Inclusion. That report will provide an assessment on how the university’s academic and administrative units are doing in complying with federal affirmative action guidelines and making progress toward achieving the campus goals of increasing diversity in our student body and workforce, and building a more inclusive campus community.
Please note that access to the Diversity Profiles dashboard is restricted to Deans, Vice Chancellors and their designees. For questions or access please contact Laura Cerruti.
Deans, Vice Chancellors, and their proxies/delegates are authorized to have access to Diversity Profiles data for their units. Individuals with access must have completed FERPA training within 2 years to be granted access. FERPA training is available online via the Learning Management System. Additionally, users must agree to comply with the campus policies and the Terms of Use outlined here. Deans and Vice Chancellors can request access for a proxy or delegate from Vickie Gomez.
Login Instructions
Go to
You should be directed to your Microsoft 365 online login. Choose your UC Davis account.
Your browser will redirect to the Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) page to sign in with your organizational account. Use your email address as your username and enter your Kerberos password.
All projects to which you have been granted access should be visible on the Tableau Explore screen. Double-click on the folder that says “Diversity Profiles”
You may see several sets of dashboards/worksheets. Click on one of the sets to open up dashboards and worksheets. You can also navigate through the dashboards/worksheets from a set of tabs across the top of individual dashboards and worksheets.
To return to the main folder, use the breadcrumbs (text with slashes) under the Search bar in the top left hand corner. Return to the original from anywhere on the site by clicking on “Explore” in the text at the top left hand part of the page.
If you click on a tab and see that it is blank, you may not have access to the data. If you think the restriction of access is in error, contact us.
Instructions for Using Diversity Profiles
You can download a Users Manual here. For additional assistance and information on upcoming training workshops, please contact Laura Cerruti (
Terms of Use:
By applying for access or logging on to the Diversity Profiles Dashboard, you acknowledge that you have read, you understand, and you agree to comply with the following campus policies:
310-23, Electronic Communications--Allowable Use
310-23a, Electronic Communications – Acceptable Use Policy
310-24, Electronic Communications--Privacy and Access
320-20, Privacy of and Access to Information
320-21, Privacy and Disclosure of Information from Student Records
In addition, you agree to the following terms:
Account Security. I agree to keep my account credentials secret. I understand that it is a violation of this agreement and campus policy to share my username or password with others, or to enable others to use the system under my account. I understand that all activity on the system is logged and audited, and that my access to the system may be terminated at any time without cause or notification.
Responsible Use. I agree to use the system responsibly, for authorized professional purposes. I understand that information maintained on the system may be sensitive or confidential in nature, and should be maintained as such. I understand that the aggregation, sale or transfer of information on the site is prohibited. While efforts are made to keep information on the system as current and free of errors as possible, I understand all data in the system are to be considered unaudited and I will not disclose any data from the system to any organization outside UC Davis. I understand that I may not release this information, in any form, to parties who do not have a direct interest in the purpose of this tool, including, but not limited to, researchers, surveyors or journalists.Non-Disclosure. I agree to maintain details about system design in confidence, including user interfaces, business processes, programming interfaces, and underlying storage architectures. I understand that reverse engineering or copying elements of the system without permission is expressly prohibited by this agreement and violates university policy, intellectual property laws and copyright laws.
If you have any questions or concerns about agreeing to the Terms of Use, or if you require clarification of any of the terms, feel free to decline the agreement and contact us.