Executive Summary

UC Davis Diversity Facts

In the past five years, the undergraduate student population has grown by 15% (n. 3764), 41% (n. 2173) for undergraduates who identify as underrepresented minorities (URM). URMs are now 25% (n. 7460) of the undergraduate student population. Persons of Color (POC) are 60% (n. 17,765) of the undergraduate student population. 7,343 students reported having a disability. (Fall 2016)

US census data for the state of California estimates that 31% of people age 25 years+ have a bachelor’s degree or higher. At UC Davis, 38% (n. 11,242) of the undergraduate student population identify as first generation, having neither parent with a bachelor’s degree. (Fall 2016) We are also seeing an increasing number of undergraduate students where both parents have less than a ninth-grade education.

Of the 998 students who enrolled in graduate academic, professional, and self-supporting programs, 14% identified as URM, 31% as POC and 54% were female. Women are disproportionately underrepresented in graduate programs in the College of Engineering and the Division of Math and Physical Sciences. Men are disproportionately underrepresented in professional programs in the School of Education, School of Nursing, and School of Veterinary Medicine.

Seventy-two percent of those in full professor positions with Academic Senate membership are men, 21% are POC, and 7% are URM. For assistant and associate professor positions, the percentage of women is 48%. The percentage of URM is 18% for Assistant Professor positions and 12% for Associate Professor positions.

Of the 850 new hires into Academic Senate and Academic Federation positions in the past five years, 52% have been women and 14% have been URM.

With a population of 21,844, the category of staff represents the largest proportion of the UC Davis workforce. The proportion of URM is 21%; people of color are 42% of the staff workforce. Staff who identify as URM or POC are disproportionately underrepresented in management roles. Women and staff who identify as URM or POC are overrepresented in lower level supervisory roles

In the 2014 Campus Climate Study, 24% of UC Davis respondents (4,371) reported they had personally experienced exclusionary, intimidating, offensive or hostile conduct; differences emerged based on various demographic characteristics, including position, ethnic or racial identity and discipline of study.

Executive Summary

UC Davis Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Vision

“DIVERSITY—a defining feature of California’s past, present and future — refers to the variety of personal experiences, values and worldviews that arise from differences of culture and circumstance. Such differences include race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, language, abilities/disabilities, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geographic region and more."

– University of California Diversity Statement

UC Davis is committed to diversity because it is vital to our mission and enhances educational excellence. As we strive to meet the growth goals of the UC Davis 2020 Initiative, the significant increase in enrollment corresponds with an opportunity to develop a more diverse community of scholars. A clear plan will move UC Davis toward its goal of inclusion excellence, meaning the condition in which all members of a community are encouraged and supported to work, study, and learn in a way that allows each of us to reach our full potential. UC Davis strives to create an environment where everyone feels included and heard. The well-being of our university community depends on all of us feeling free to respectfully express ourselves and on our willingness to listen to one another, even during disagreements.

With the UC Diversity Statement and UC Davis Principles of Community as guides, we have defined a set of goals, objectives, and recommended action items that provide a framework for UC Davis to achieve its diversity and inclusion goals. These goals and objectives were developed out of nearly thirty campus community “engagement forums” and many more individual and group meetings with faculty, staff, and students over three years (2013-2016). We hope that those who participated in this process hear in this document a record of their voices, both singularly and as a part of a larger chorus. By recognizing strategies and initiatives that are already embedded in parts of our institution—from CAMPOS Cafecitos to pre-graduate opportunity programs—this document offers opportunities for other parts of the institution to borrow and institute proven best practices.

While publication of this document marks the end to a “visioning” process, it is by no means the end of the important work of implementation, which must take place over a longer period and with the recognition that incremental change is a necessary component of lasting change. This document sets the course for future planning and implementation for a large and complex campus. Only at the college, school, department, and unit level can strategies be prioritized, translated, or adapted into activities that are relevant and consequential. The goal of this document is to provide a framework that rationalizes, for the institution, a set of activities that can help the campus make clear and deliberate progress toward inclusion excellence.

The strategic plan suggests appropriate metrics for measuring the achievement of short- and long-term goals. By realizing this vision, UC Davis will demonstrate its principles of value and respect for all those who work, live, and learn in our campus community.

Thank you for engaging with this plan and joining us in this endeavor.

2016 Race/Ethnicity UC Davis


You can download a one-page summary of the following Goals and Objectives here.


GOAL 1: Identify, attract, retain, and graduate a diverse student body.

A. Focus on identification, preparation and pipeline activities early in future students’ development/schooling and involve community and support networks such as family, K–12 teachers, counselors and schools, community organizations and community colleges.

B. Increase retention and graduation/completion rates of students with a focus on diverse, underrepresented and underserved student populations.

C. Invest in each student’s success, sense of belonging, and cultural competency.

  • broader demographics of eligibility pools, applicants, and enrollments (by major, school, and college)
  • improved graduation rates and time to graduation for disadvantaged groups
  • student persistence measures (e.g. 2nd-year retention, GPA, progress toward degree)
  • equitable distribution of financial aid and grants
  • etc.

GOAL 2: Identify, attract and retain a diverse faculty and staff.​​​​​​

A. Broaden the diversity of faculty and staff by cultivating a diverse pipeline and ensuring that campus policies, departmental incentives, and funding models are aligned to make aggressive progress on hiring goals.

B. Hold every division, college, school, and department accountable for bringing diversity and inclusion excellence into recruitment and hiring practices.

C. Ensure that people thrive—for compliance, retention, and improved climate.

  • broader demographics of availability pools, hiring pools, and new hires (by location, job group, and level)
  • improved retention and turnover rates
  • improved rates of performance measurement and advancement for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups
  • equity in salary and other resources
  • etc.


GOAL 3: Advance a climate that fosters inclusion excellence.

A. Engage, empower, inform, and hold individuals accountable for fostering an environment where every person feels responsible for advancing diversity and inclusion excellence.

B. Evaluate current institutional barriers to inclusion.

C. Ensure safe campus environments, free from exclusion, intimidation, offensive, or violent conduct. Eliminate negative behavior related to power differentials. Reject normalizations of bias and sexual harm.

D. Sponsor communities of belonging.

  • holistic evaluation of voluntary separations, FMLA/sick days, workers comp, discrimination cases, and Ombuds visits (by location, job group, and level) shows improved outcomes
  • improved responses to engagement and climate surveys (UC Undergraduate Experience Survey, CUCSA Staff Engagement Survey, COACHE Faculty Engagement Survey)
  • etc.


GOAL 4: Promote diversity and inclusion in research, teaching, public service, and training across campus and in neighboring communities.

A. Embed cultural competency in all academic and training programs, administrative units/programs, and workplaces to support diversity and inclusion goals.

B. Return benefit to the communities that work with us.

C. Fulfill the promise of APM 210(d) by promoting and rewarding “contributions in all areas of … achievement that promote equal opportunity and diversity … including efforts to advance equitable access to education, public service that addresses the needs of California’s diverse population, or research … that highlights inequalities.”

  • holistic assessments of curriculum and training programs show increasing participation numbers and improved learning outcomes
  • equitable rates of advancement for all groups
  • uptick in external diversity awards and recognition
  • improved patient outcomes
  • increase in participation of scholars in research related to the African American diaspora
  • growing indices of UC Davis diversity scholarship and research
  • increased extramural funding for diversity efforts
  • etc.


GOAL 5: Ensure accountability to diversity and inclusion efforts on campus and in serving neighboring communities.

A. Establish a coordinated campuswide effort to implement and report on the progress of this strategic vision.

B. Embed the structure and resources for diversity and inclusion in all administrative units and within the job responsibilities of those in key roles.

C. Create a strategic plan with neighboring communities within a 30-mile radius on shared goals for diversity  and inclusion.

  • uptick in external diversity awards and recognition
  • broader diversity of those in leadership roles
  • regular reporting on diversity goals at school, college, department, and unit level
  • increased access to and utilization of diversity data
  • assessments of talent management programs and initiatives show increasing participation numbers and improved opportunities for advancement
  • increase in funding (extramural and institutional) for diversity initiatives
  • increase in localized/regional undergraduate student eligibility and enrollments
  • increased localized/regional participation in UC Davis diversity programming
  • etc.

Read more about the Strategic Planning Process

Read some notes on Implementation

Read the full set of Goals and Objectives

Find out Who's Involved in the Strategic Vision process

You can download a PDF version of the plan here.