For Your Information | December 16, 2021
Volume 3, Issue 8
Quick Summary
- CAMPOS Winter Research Colloquiums
- Recruiting for Associate Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education Program
- Institute for Diversity, Equity and Advancement Hiring a Program Analyst
December 16, 2021 | Volume 3, Issue 8
Download a printable version of this week's newsletter
UC Davis Library Draft Strategic Plan: Call for Comment
A draft of the UC Davis Library’s new DEI-focused, five-year strategic plan is now available for review and comment. Read the draft plan and share your feedback by emailing by January 31, 2022. Learn more.
Global Affairs Grant and Award Opportunities
Our partners in Global Affairs have a number of grants with upcoming or extend deadlines:
- Grants for Advancing UN Sustainable Development Goals open until January 4, 2022.
- Excellence in Teaching of Study Abroad Awards open until January 5, 2022.
- Campus Global Theme mini-grants deadline extended until January 10, 2022.
- Chancellor's Awards for International Engagement deadline extended until January 10, 2022.
Dear Friends,
Wishing all of you a wonderful break, and a restful continuation of the holiday season!
Our next issue will be on January 13, 2022. We will look forward to seeing you again in the new year!
Warmest Regards,
The Institute for Diversity, Equity and Advancement Hiring a Program Analyst
Under general supervision, serve as program analyst (contract) for the Institute for Diversity, Equity and Advancement (IDEA), a unit within the Vice Chancellor’s Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (VC-ODEI). Independently responsible for the program planning, communication, analysis and reporting, and dissemination of projects. Position will be contributing information and recommendations to strategic/action plans; creating detailed project plans and timelines related to program development and implementation; and ensure progress reports and deliverables are met in a timely manner. Learn more here.
Student Health and Counseling Services (SHCS) Hiring Health Promotion Specialist
Under general direction of the Executive Director of Health and Wellness, the Health Promotion Specialist has overall responsibility for project oversight, coordination, and implementation of all suicide prevention, stigma reduction, sleep health, stress management, and other mental health and well-being initiatives. Design and conduct campus-wide health promotion initiatives using environmental management policy and institutional practice change strategies to improve student health status and support student success. More information can be found on the UC Davis Careers website.
Office of Academic Diversity | AVC Lorena Oropeza
CAMPOS Research Colloquium Returns Winter Quarter
The Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Science will return in the winter quarter for their Research Colloquia. These feature CAMPOS Faculty Scholars presenting their research and engaging the audience in a conversation. They welcome faculty, staff, postdoctoral scholars, and especially students–undergraduate and graduate alike. Please join us in person or on Zoom on the Wednesday afternoons (3:10p) indicated below. Our list of confirmed speakers includes:
19 • Miriam Nuno • Biostatistics and Surgery Residence
26 • Jacqueline Barlow • Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
2 • Jasquelin Peña • Civil and Environmental Engineering
16 • Maciel Hernández • Human Ecology
23 • Jeanette Ruiz • Communications
2 • Jairo Fúquene Patiño • Statistics
9 • Theanne N. Griffith • Physiology and Membrane Biology
To learn more about CAMPOS and get specific talk details visit our webpage for updates.
Office of Campus Community Relations | Interim AVC Mikael Villalobos
We are Recruiting for Associate Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education Program
Under direction of the Associate Chief Diversity Officer (ACDO) of Campus Community Relations (OCCR) in the Vice Chancellor’s Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (VCDEI), this position provides leadership, direction, and management in the development, instruction, research and evaluation of diversity & inclusion education programs that support professional development for staff, academics/faculty and students in alignment with the UC Davis Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Vision (DISV). Using DEI as a framework, this position analyzes practices and policies that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in the workplace. The position also collaborates with key campus organizations in support of leadership development for students in the area of DEI. Serving as the lead educator of DEI courses, trainings, and workshops, this position also trains diversity and inclusion educators in the delivery of DEI trainings in support of professional development for UCD/UCDHS staff/students. Learn more.
Office of Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion | AVC Hendry Ton
Save the dates!
“Virtual Healing Circle” – Wednesday, January 19 from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
“Growing as a Community” webcast – Thursday, January 20 from 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Registration information will be included in our January 13 newsletter.
Please take a look at our fall 2021 Anti-Racism Syllabus for relevant events.
The webpage will be updated as we receive event information.
Have an event we can include? Please email the details to Tom O’Donnell.
December 17, Friday
Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) Defeating Isolation: Men’s Support Group | 1:00pm
Many of us have felt lonely and isolated as we’ve navigated through these seasons of a pandemic, multiple holidays, and social unrest. Find support with other men in this interactive group filled with exploration, encouragement, and practices to decrease isolation and increase meaning and purpose in your life. Join ASAP counselors David Murphy and Rob Starkey for this bi-weekly drop-in support group by registering through this link. Final meeting: January 7.
December 16, Thursday
Staff/Faculty Womxn of Color Support Group | 12:00pm
This group was brought together in 2019 by Dr. Dr. Satinder Gill and Cecily Nelson-Alford to support womxn of color employed at UC Davis. The intention is to offer a safe and encouraging space to support healing, growth and development in the personal and professional lives of womxn of color. Hosts: Dr. Satinder Gill, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Academic and Staff Assistance Program Cecily Nelson-Alford, Director, Women’s Resources and Research Center. Consent for participation is necessary, please contact for more information. The groups meets bi-weekly year round on Thursday (next meeting 1/6).
December 21, Tuesday
Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) Holiday Support Group for LGBTQIA+ Community | 12:00pm
Come join ASAP clinicians in a group exclusively offered for people identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community and receive support on how to manage the possible difficulty the coming holidays may bring up for you. For many individuals identifying as part of the LGBTQIA+ community holidays, are a time of loneliness, sadness and stress. Come help support one another in a non-judgmental, nondiscriminatory environment and receive support and a space to share and learn how to take care of yourself during this time. Ideal participants are able to attend remotely from a confidential place, are willing to share and participate, can commit to attending all 6 sessions, and attend with an open, non-judgmental mindset, with the ability to have their video on for the whole 45 minutes. Register in advance.
December 22, Wednesday
Heal the Healer | 12:00pm
A weekly lunch hour self-care and mindfulness session for community members supporting refugees with Hammad Khan MD, PC How MD, Iffat Hussain MSW-LCSW, and Khoban Kochai MPH. A self-care and mindfulness session for community members supporting refugees that occurs every Wednesday until December 22, 2021. Registration will only allow you to choose one date but once you have the Zoom link, you are welcome to attend as many sessions as you like.Learn more and register here.
January 6, Thursday
Staff/Faculty Womxn of Color Support Group | 12:00pm
This group was brought together in 2019 by Dr. Dr. Satinder Gill and Cecily Nelson-Alford to support womxn of color employed at UC Davis. The intention is to offer a safe and encouraging space to support healing, growth and development in the personal and professional lives of womxn of color. Hosts: Dr. Satinder Gill, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Academic and Staff Assistance Program Cecily Nelson-Alford, Director, Women’s Resources and Research Center. Consent for participation is necessary, please contact for more information. The groups meets bi-weekly year round on Thursday (next meeting 1/20).
January 7, Friday
Academic and Staff Assistance Program (ASAP) Defeating Isolation: Men’s Support Group | 1:00pm
Many of us have felt lonely and isolated as we’ve navigated through these seasons of a pandemic, multiple holidays, and social unrest. Find support with other men in this interactive group filled with exploration, encouragement, and practices to decrease isolation and increase meaning and purpose in your life. Join ASAP counselors David Murphy and Rob Starkey for this bi-weekly drop-in support group by registering through this link.
January 11, Tuesday
The US Capitol Insurrection: One Year Later | 3:10pm
The day of the insurrection at the US Capitol in Washington DC was a day without historical precedent in US history. To mark its one-year anniversary, the UC Davis Humanities Institute (DHI) and the Department of History are hosting short presentations followed by an open discussion about January 6th and then leading an open discussion about what January 6th means, not least for the mid-term federal elections in November 2022. All students, staff, and faculty welcome. With Professors of History: David Biale: "January 6 and the Fall of the Weimar Republic: Can Historical Analogies Predict the Future?"; Gregory Downs: "Insurrections, Rebellions & Coups in US History"; Justin Leroy: "Race, White Supremacy, and the Insurrection"; Kathryn Olmsted: "Conspiracy Theories and the Insurrection." Student Community Center, Multipurpose Room.
Bisson, Linda F, Laura Grindstaff, Lisceth Brazil-Cruz, and Sophie J Barbu, eds. Uprooting Bias in the Academy: Lessons from the Field. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2022.
Based on the first-hand experiences of U.C. Davis faculty, this open access book analyzes barriers to inclusion in academia and details ways to create a more diverse, inclusive environment. It first describes what the barriers to inclusion are and how they function within the broader society, focusing on concept of implicit bias: what it is, how it develops, and the importance of training organizational members to recognize and challenge it. It then discusses the limitations of data collection that is guided by the conventional assumption that being diverse automatically means being inclusive. Lastly, it highlights the importance of creating a collaborative, interdisciplinary and institution-wide vision of an inclusive community. Download and read the book here.
Andrés Reséndez on “Conquering the Pacific” [podcast]
Acclaimed historian and UC Davis Professor Andrés Reséndez has researched and written a riveting account of the first expedition to sail from the Americas to Asia and back, launching an era of global trade and cultural exchange with the Far East. In "Conquering the Pacific: An Unknown Mariner and the Final Great Voyage of the Age of Discovery," he tells how it starts with a secret mission and includes mutiny, a shipwreck, and an African-Portuguese navigator whose story was almost lost to history. Listen here.
[NEW] Resources for Trans and Non-Binary Employees
UC Davis is committed to supporting trans and non-binary employees in the workplace. Resources for employees; resources for supervisors; policies and laws; health benefits; reporting options; community and individual support. Find the resources here.
11 Suggested Actions toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own
Written by the UC Davis Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and based on the Office of Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s Anti-Racism and DEI Action Plan, the “Being an Ally Requires being Anti-Racist: 11 Suggested Actions toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own” provides practical suggestions for everyone.
Reporting Concerns of Harassment and Discrimination
The Harassment & Discrimination Assistance and Prevention Program (HDAPP) supports the University's commitment to a harassment and discrimination-free work and learning environment for all members of the UC Davis, UC Davis Health, and University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR).
If you are interested in reporting concerns of Harassment and Discrimination, please contact HDAPP to file a report and/or speak with a representative to better understand your options. Learn more about HDAPP here or go to HDAPP's website for more information.
11 Suggested Actions toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own
Written by the UC Davis Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and based on the Office of Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion’s Anti-Racism and DEI Action Plan, the “Being an Ally Requires being Anti-Racist: 11 Suggested Actions toward Anti-Racism in the Office and on Your Own” provides practical suggestions for everyone.
Aggie Compass Basic Needs Center
The mission of Aggie Compass is to help mitigate the effects of food and housing insecurity on students, while working to change policy, systems and environment that will affect long term change. The Aggie Compass is a comfortable space for students to build community and learn about basic needs resources, pick up fresh fruits and vegetables, receive CalFresh enrollment assistance and help finding stable housing.
If you need help with food or housing insecurity concerns, financial or mental wellness, please visit their website for more information.
Counseling Services Mental Health Resources Webinar [requires Kerberos log-in] One of the things we hear frequently from instructors about teaching in Spring 2020 is the extent to which they encountered students in their courses experiencing significant stress or crisis, yet they felt unequipped to help or direct students to resources. To help, Student Health and Counseling Services provided a Mental Health Resources Webinar. If supporting students in crisis is a concern for you, please watch this previously-recorded webinar. Webinar topics include an overview of mental health services on campus, how to make referrals, signs of distress and how to respond, and how faculty can support students in the classroom (remote or on-campus). Student Affairs has also provided this folder of faculty resources.
Content Submission Form
Do you have a DEI-oriented event, announcement, or article that you would like us to help promote through our DEI communication channels? Did your unit/department or a member of your unit/department receive recognition that demonstrates your commitment to DEI? If so, please send us your information through this online form.
We invite you to share and submit your thoughts and items for our newsletter (either current or future news and events) at
Thank you for your dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion!