CAMPSSAH Faculty Affiliate Application

Faculty Affiliates Program

The Center for the Advancement of Multicultural Perspectives on Social Science, Arts, Humanities (CAMPSSAH) builds on the Impact Recruitment Initiative (IRI), whose origins are in calls for greater numbers of faculty whose teaching, research and service focused the experiences, contributions and aspirations of African-American and African Diaspora students and communities. CAMPSSAH represents the successful institutionalization and broadening of IRI to encompass the recruiting, integration, and retention of whose research, reaching, scholarly and creative production bring multicultural perspectives to the social sciences, humanities and the arts with an emphasis on contributions that elevate the voices and visibility of underrepresented students and communities at UC Davis. CAMPSSAH also provides a space for these faculty to strengthen and enhance their engagement with underserved communities through their research and service, within and beyond the campus of UC Davis. 

All UC Davis faculty (Academic Senate and Academic Federation) from Social Science, the Arts, and Humanities disciplines with a demonstrated interest in contributing to the CAMPSSAH mission are encouraged to apply to the Faculty Affiliates Program. 

CAMPSSAH Faculty Affiliates will benefit from: 

  • Membership in a collaborative community of faculty interested in developing new research, teaching and mentoring methods to support diversity at UC Davis;
  • Opportunities to network
  • Opportunities to mentor and receive mentorship from the community
  • Priority consideration for enrollment in professional development opportunities as they arise
  • Grant-writing workshops

Faculty applications for the CAMPSSAH Faculty Affiliates Program should include: 

  1. A brief cover letter (1-2 pages) explaining how the applicant’s research, teaching, outreach, and mentoring aligns with the CAMPSSAH mission to support diversity in associated disciplines and increase “SSAH” engagement with underserved communities, including a section that explains your interest in becoming a member of the CAMPSSAH Faculty Affiliates Program
  2. Faculty applicant CV
  3. Faculty applicant Diversity Statement 

Application materials should be submitted to the CAMPSSAH Review Committee attention Thomas O'Donnell ( 

Review of faculty affiliate applications will occur on a rolling basis, and notification of selection will usually occur within 2-3 weeks. For general questions about the CAMPSSAH Faculty Affiliates Program, please contact CAMPSSAH Principal Analyst THOMAS O'DONNELL (