marni brotzman profile picture

Position Title
Executive Analyst

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (OHEDI), UC Davis Health

Marni Brotzman has been with UC Davis Health since October 2011, and currently provides Executive support to the Associate Vice Chancellor at the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at UC Davis Health, calendar support to the CAO and department Directors, and supports the entire HEDI team as needed. Prior to joining the HEDI office, she worked in the School of Medicine VC/Dean’s Office as receptionist and back up executive assistant for the Executive Leadership Team.

Marni is currently the Treasurer of the Employee Resource Group (ERG) Veteran Employee Association, member of UCD Self-Identification Campaign, and member of the Staff Advisory Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (SACEDI).

When not working she stays fit by exercising on a regular basis, running being a favorite as well as attending UC Living Fit Forever (UCLFF) classes.

Why I do DEI work

I don’t take equality for granted. I grew up being told to be compassionate, kind, and treat people the way you want to be treated. Living all over the United States as a child, I saw a lot of inequality and bullying – geography didn’t care! My question was always the same – why? It is important for me to reach out the best I know how, even if I don’t have the knowledge to give a class or webinar, or I don’t always have the words to express what I’m feeling, for me, it is about being kind, compassionate and always looking for the good in people and not the differences.