Annie Caruso thumbnail

Position Title
Chief Administrative Officer

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (OHEDI), UC Davis Health

As Chief Administrative Officer in the Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI) I am responsible for business and human resources operations, oversight of programmatic and event planning support and coordination, as well as furthering collaborations and building partnerships with affiliated offices, departments and centers. I joined the HEDI team in June 2020 and have been a proud UC Davis Health employee since 2005.

I have worked in varying roles at UC Davis Health within Health Sciences Development, the School of Medicine Dean’s Office, Academic Personnel and Faculty Development before joining the HEDI team. I am currently Co-Chair of the Vice Chancellor’s LGBTQ+ Advisory Council and the Improving Outcomes LGBT Health Conference Planning Committee. I also serve on the Staff Advisory Committee for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Aggie Square Community Engagement Advisory Committee as well as several Employee Resource Groups. I have previously served in leadership roles on University committees that include Past Chair of the UC Davis Staff Assembly - Health Chapter and Past Vice-Chair of the UC Davis Police Accountability Board. In 2020, I received a Recognition Award from the Status of Women at Davis Administrative Advisory Sub-Committee (SWADAAC) as part of International Women’s Day, to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of those who have made significant contributions to women's health.

When not working, my favorite pastimes include cooking, reading and being near the water – enjoying the breeze, soft sand and listening to the calming waves – with my wife. I also love spending time with my family, sharing in the happiness and laughter that comes from watching our toddler and infant great-nieces grow and share their personalities.

Why I do DEI work

My family comes from humble beginnings as immigrant farmers and factory workers, but that didn’t prevent my ancestors from sharing what they had to help others. My passion for DEI work stems from growing up watching my grandparents volunteer their time and resources to support the local community. They spent countless hours growing and harvesting fruits and vegetables, helping to organize efforts at the local “food closet” and delivering food and supplies to families in need. My parents, aunts and uncles also served as role models for being in-service to others as owners of small businesses in the service industry. They have instilled a strong work ethic and have demonstrated the value of strong relationships with your community.

My family may have been what first sparked my passion for helping others, but as I grew older and truly began to understand, experience and witness, the various “isms” my passion for advocacy was realized. I want to be of service to my community. I identify as a cisgender Mexican-Italian lesbian woman and I am committed to serving our community through improving and supporting diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at UC Davis Health and beyond.

Personal hashtag or motto

We are the role models for future generations, so don’t stop trying to do better and be better.