The 2021-22 Annual Report
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion has released the 2021-22 annual. The theme of the report, "You Belong Here," reflects a phrase seen on the UC Davis Human Resources website and on the wall of the Manetti-Shrem Museum. It became the mantra for our office's approach for the year. Whether you were arriving to campus for the first time or from a long break due to Covid-19, we wanted you to know you mattered.
On the cover are pictured Ebony Lewis, chief strategy officer, DEI, taking a selfie of (left to right) Patrice Hill, director, Sacramento Area Youth speaks or SAYS; Aaliyah Hill Cribbs, 6th grade SAYS scholar; Adiyah Obolu, 12th grade SAYS scholar, and Elaina Lopez, analyst, DEI.
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