Touyee P. Thao

Position Title
Program Analyst, Anchor Institution Mission (AIM)

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Office for Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (OHEDI), UC Davis Health

Touyee joined UC Davis Health (UCDH) with the Department of Health Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (HEDI) in 2022 and serves the Anchor Institution Mission (AIM) as the Program Analyst. This initiative aims to better the welfare of the Sacramento community by effectively implementing UCDH Anchor Institution Strategies: Local workforce development, local procurement, community impact investments, and volunteerism. Working within HEDI and AIM, Touyee helps make informed decisions to support UCDH in addressing socio-economic disparities as well as establishing a long-term impact on Health, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Touyee graduated from UC Santa Cruz with a degree in Public Health where he studied health disparities within different communities and populations to make social change through community or civic engagement. Before transitioning to UC Davis Health, he worked with various nonprofit organizations focused on providing necessary access to resources for underserved and underrepresented populations. This allowed him to lead in varying capacities with initiatives such as Health4All, the Sacramento Youth Project, Deseret Mentorship Pipeline, and Rise to Health.

Why I do DEI Work

From a young age, I saw and understood the struggles my parents had as Hmong refugees in the United States. The socio-economic and financial bondage they continued to experience after escaping a war-torn country. Without the proper resources or tools in place, there were a lot of heartaches and sacrifices for them. While I had the privilege of being born in the U.S., there were many times that even I was lost and wanted to give up. So, growing up I knew that I wanted to: serve others, share my knowledge, provide resources, and support others who are lost. To lend a hand, to use my strengths, and elevate others further. I am only able to stand where I am because of those that supported me along my journey and taught me not to give up regardless of the challenges. I took on employment that stood to make a change and I will continue to find opportunities that allow for being part of a mission that aligns with my values. I know that the work of DEI can help toward breaking barriers to continued progress and it is rewarding to know, that I can play a small part in the DEI space. It brings me great joy to know, that through this purpose, I can work alongside others to lighten the burdens within our homes and the community I was raised in.  



Social Media

Touyee - LinkedIn