Christopher Nguyen Pheneger

Position Title
Interim Director, Campus and Community Engagement
Diversity Education Trainer, Professional Education

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
  • Office of Campus Community Relations (OCCR)

As a Diversity and Inclusion Educator and Specialist, Christopher provides training, curriculum development, and facilitation of the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) education program. Since joining the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in 2021, Christopher has been instrumental in devising and conducting educational and professional development initiatives on DEI topics  across UC Davis and UC Davis Health Services. His contributions extend to assisting in the formulation and execution of strategies aligned with the UC Davis Principles of Community and the UC Davis Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Vision.

Before his tenure at the Vice Chancellor's Office, Christopher served as a Program Coordinator and First-Year Seminar Lecturer for the Full Circle Project at CSU Sacramento, where he supported Asian American and Pacific Islander students through an AANAPISI Grant-funded program. He also served as a Student Support Specialist at UNITE, a center focusing on critical consciousness, social justice education, equity, and cultural empowerment at American River College. Christopher's influence in the field is further evidenced by his participation in conference planning committees and his facilitation of sessions at various conferences such as APAHE, NASPA, and NCORE, addressing topics like transracial adoption, sustainable learning communities, mentorship, and the experiences of API students in higher education.

Motivated by his own journey as a young queer, Asian American transracial adoptee from Vietnam, Christopher is impassioned about DEI work. His personal experiences of grappling with belonging and identity inform his commitment to transforming societal landscapes and fostering inclusivity. Christopher embraces the words of Grace Lee Boggs and Amanda Gorman as guiding principles, advocating for collective care and the courage to illuminate paths towards a more equitable future.

Christopher holds a B.A. in Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies from the University of California, Davis, and an M.A. in Higher Education and Student Affairs from the University of San Francisco. Beyond his professional endeavors, he finds joy in spending quality time with loved ones, hiking, cooking, dancing, and indulging in anime or Korean dramas while savoring a tub of ice cream.


“The only way to survive is by taking care of one another.” - Grace Lee Boggs

“There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.” - Amanda Gorman

Social Media


Listening to Adoptees Podcast: Two Adoptees Uncensored | Nov 20, 2020

NASPA Blog: "Oh, but I'm adopted" | Nov 6, 2017