AAFSA Black Bag Lunch Summer Series, No RSVP needed, bring someone new with you!

Event Date

CADSS (2nd Floor of South Silo)

Calling all Black Faculty and Staff!

The African Continuum, AAFSA (African American Faculty and Staff Association) and CADSS (Center for African Diaspora Student Success) would like to invite you to attend the following lunch or two:

  • Tuesday 7/23
  • Wednesday 8/21

No RSVP Needed. Bring your own lunch. Feel free to share with other Black Staff and Faculty you may know! You can drop in at any point during that time. It will be in person, and we will not be zooming into it. This is just a casual opportunity to connect with others on campus!

 AAFSA Black Bag Lunch Summer Series, No RSVP needed, bring someone new with you!

Event Category
