Paul David Terry

Paul David Terry (He/They)

Program Analyst
Paul David Terry Portrait on a man with red hair and a beard, standing outside.

I’m the program manager for the Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Center (TRHT) at UC Davis Health. I oversee the establishment of the center including the virtual community dynamics, volunteer training, the TRHT blog, and connecting racial healing circles across UC Davis. I also support programming for the Growing as a Community series. 

Prior to joining Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion I worked at UC Davis and served on several committees including the UC Davis Staff Diversity Administrative Advisory Council. Currently I teach courses in race theory, racial justice education and human rights, gender and sexuality for Rise for Racial Justice, University of San Francisco and the Human Rights Studies program at UC Davis and am pursuing my doctorate in international and multicultural education focused in human rights education and racial justice & education.

Why I do DEI work

Leveraging pillars of joyful human rights, multicultural education creates a space to hold the deepest sorrows with the supreme happinesses to find hopeful means for healthier communities.

Personal motto

“Rest is not a luxury, a privilege or a bonus we must wait for once we are burned out.” Tricia Hersey’s Rest is Resistance

Social Media



Last updated 30 March 2023