Group of about 35 people standing in front of a vineyard under a clear sky.

Event Date

Every year our divisional employees gather for our annual all-staff meeting off-site. This is an important time for us to reconnect with each other and center our work around our mission, values, vision, and goals


9:30-10:00 Arrival (light refreshments)

10:00-10:15 Welcome

10:15-10:30 Divisional Priorities Overview

10:30-11:30 Inventory of Projects, Programs, and Initiatives within our Division

We will be asking your offices and centers to tell us what’s on your list in 2024-25: 

  • An investment of divisional resources ($ and at least 40 hours of staff time)
  • A one-time undertaking (but can include things that happen repeatedly/annually) with a scheduled end date
  • Has objectives, deliverables, and measurable outcomes
  • Could be: a single big event, a series of events or meetings, a grant application, working on a publication or paper, a community program, a consulting gig, a change initiative, etc.  

11:30-11:50 National reputation for DEI at UC Davis (Telling our story...)

Crowdsourcing activity - bring your mobile phone and sign into your LinkedIn!

  • Use these hashtags:
    • #UCDavisDEI  
    • #WhyIDEI  
    • #ThinkBigDiversity  
    • #UCDavis
  • Optional hashtags:
    • #AvanzaHSI  
    • #AggieBlackExcellence
  • Tag these accounts:
    • University of California, Davis
    • UC Davis Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

11:50-12:20 DEI Recognitions  

12:20-12:30 Closing Remarks and Group Picture

12:30-1:30 Lunch  

1:30-3:00 Fostering Connection & Community-Team Building (Venue Activities)

3:00 Adjourn